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- /*
- **
- ** C_IE_Mod.generator - Copyright © 1996 Simone Tellini
- ** All Rights Reserved
- **
- ** $VER: C_IE_Mod.generator 37.1 (29.4.96)
- **
- ** This is a cut-down version of the standard C generator.
- ** I use it to generate the GUI for IE's external module.
- **
- */
- /// Includes
- #define INTUI_V36_NAMES_ONLY
- #include <exec/nodes.h> // exec
- #include <exec/lists.h>
- #include <exec/memory.h>
- #include <exec/types.h>
- #include <dos/dos.h> // dos
- #include <dos/dostags.h>
- #include <intuition/intuition.h> // intuition
- #include <intuition/gadgetclass.h>
- #include <graphics/text.h> // graphics
- #include <libraries/gadtools.h> // libraries
- #include <libraries/reqtools.h>
- #include <clib/exec_protos.h> // protos
- #include <clib/dos_protos.h>
- #include <clib/intuition_protos.h>
- #include <clib/reqtools_protos.h>
- #include <pragmas/exec_pragmas.h> // pragmas
- #include <pragmas/dos_pragmas.h>
- #include <pragmas/intuition_pragmas.h>
- #include <pragmas/graphics_pragmas.h>
- #include <pragmas/gadtools_pragmas.h>
- #include <pragmas/reqtools_pragmas.h>
- #include <stdarg.h>
- #include <string.h>
- #include <stdio.h>
- #include <stdlib.h>
- #include <ctype.h>
- #include "DEV_IE:Generators/defs.h"
- #include "DEV_IE:Include/IEditor.h"
- #include "Config.h"
- ///
- /// Prototypes
- static void WriteSetupScr( struct GenFiles *, struct IE_Data * );
- static void WriteOpenWnd( struct GenFiles *, struct IE_Data * );
- static void WriteRender( struct GenFiles *, struct IE_Data * );
- static void WriteIDCMPHandler( struct GenFiles *, struct IE_Data * );
- static void WriteKeyHandler( struct GenFiles *, struct IE_Data * );
- static void WriteClickedPtrs( struct GenFiles *, struct IE_Data * );
- static BOOL AskFile( UBYTE *, struct IE_Data * );
- static void WriteList( struct GenFiles *, struct MinList *, UBYTE *, UWORD, struct IE_Data *IE );
- static void WriteNewGadgets( struct GenFiles *, struct IE_Data * );
- static void WriteGadgetTags( struct GenFiles *, struct IE_Data * );
- static void WriteITexts( struct GenFiles *, struct IE_Data * );
- static void WriteImgStruct( struct GenFiles *, struct IE_Data * );
- static void WriteImageStruct( struct GenFiles *, struct IE_Data * );
- static void WriteWindowTags( struct GenFiles *, struct IE_Data *, struct WindowInfo * );
- ///
- /// Data
- static ULONG CheckedTag[] = { GTCB_Checked, 0, TAG_END };
- static UWORD stringjusts[] = {
- };
- static ULONG gadget_flags[] = { 1, 2, 4, 8, 16, 0 };
- static ULONG idcmps[] = {
- 1, 2, 4, 8, 0x10, 0x20, 0x40, 0x80, 0x100, 0x200,
- 0x400, 0x800, 0x1000, 0x2000, 0x4000, 0x8000,
- 0x10000, 0x20000, 0x40000, 0x80000, 0x100000,
- 0x200000, 0x400000, 0x800000, 0x1000000,
- 0x2000000, 0x4000000
- };
- #define IDCMPS_NUM 27
- static ULONG wflgs[] = {
- 1, 2, 4, 8, 0x10, 0x20, 0, 0x40, 0x80, 0x100, 0x200,
- 0x400, 0x800, 0x1000, 0x10000, 0x20000, 0x40000,
- 0x200000
- };
- #define WFLAGS_NUM 18
- static UBYTE Header[] =
- "/*\n"
- " C source code created by Interface Editor\n"
- " Copyright © 1994-1996 by Simone Tellini\n\n"
- " Generator: %s\n"
- " Copy registered to : %s\n"
- " Serial Number : #%ld\n"
- "*/\n\n";
- static UBYTE *GadKinds[] = {
- "MX_KIND",
- };
- static UBYTE *GadFlags[] = {
- };
- static UBYTE *STRINGA_txts[] = {
- };
- static UBYTE *GTJ_txts[] = {
- };
- static UBYTE *WndFlags[] = {
- };
- static UBYTE *WndIDCMP[] = {
- };
- static UBYTE *GadIDCMP[] = {
- };
- static UBYTE Null[] = "NULL";
- static UBYTE GADisabled[] = "(GA_Disabled), TRUE, ";
- static UBYTE GAImmediate[] = "(GA_Immediate), TRUE, ";
- static UBYTE GATabCycle[] = "(GA_TabCycle), FALSE, ";
- static UBYTE GARelVerify[] = "(GA_RelVerify), TRUE, ";
- static UBYTE STRINGAExitHelp[] = "(STRINGA_ExitHelp), TRUE, ";
- static UBYTE STRINGAReplaceMode[] = "(STRINGA_ReplaceMode), TRUE, ";
- static UBYTE PGAFreedom[] = "(PGA_Freedom), LORIENT_VERT, ";
- static UBYTE LAYOUTASpacing[] = "(LAYOUTA_Spacing), %ld, ";
- static UBYTE MenuTmp[] = "\nBOOL %sMenued( void )\n"
- "{\n"
- "\t/* Routine for menu \"%s\" */\n"
- "\treturn( TRUE );\n"
- "}\n";
- static UBYTE *IDCMPVerStr[] = {
- "\n\t\tif( class == IDCMP_MENUVERIFY )\n\t\t\trunning = %sMenuVerify( Wnd, Gadgets, IE );\n",
- "\n\t\tif( class == IDCMP_REQVERIFY )\n\t\t\trunning = %sReqVerify( Wnd, Gadgets, IE );\n"
- "\n\t\tif( class == IDCMP_SIZEVERIFY )\n\t\t\trunning = %sSizeVerify( Wnd, Gadgets, IE );\n"
- };
- static UBYTE *IDCMPVerProto[] = {
- "extern BOOL %sMenuVerify( struct Window *, struct Gadget **, struct IE_Data * );\n"
- "extern BOOL %sReqVerify( struct Window *, struct Gadget **, struct IE_Data * );\n"
- "extern BOOL %sSizeVerify( struct Window *, struct Gadget **, struct IE_Data * );\n"
- };
- static UBYTE *IDCMPVerTmp[] = {
- "\nBOOL %sMenuVerify( struct Window *Wnd, struct Gadget *Gadgets[], struct IE_Data *IE )\n"
- "{\n"
- "\t/* Routine for IDCMP_MENUVERIFY */\n"
- "\treturn( TRUE );\n"
- "}\n", // ---
- "\nBOOL %sReqVerify( struct Window *Wnd, struct Gadget *Gadgets[], struct IE_Data *IE )\n"
- "{\n"
- "\t/* Routine for IDCMP_REQVERIFY */\n"
- "\treturn( TRUE );\n"
- "}\n", // ---
- "\nBOOL %sSizeVerify( struct Window *Wnd, struct Gadget *Gadgets[], struct IE_Data *IE )\n"
- "{\n"
- "\t/* Routine for IDCMP_SIZEVERIFY */\n"
- "\treturn( TRUE );\n"
- "}\n",
- };
- static UBYTE VanillaTmp[] = "\nBOOL %sVanillaKey( UBYTE, struct Window *Wnd, struct Gadget *Gadgets[], struct IE_Data *IE )\n"
- "{\n"
- "\t/* Routine for IDCMP_VANILLAKEY */\n"
- "\treturn( TRUE );\n"
- "}\n";
- static UBYTE CaseRefresh[] = "\n\t\t\tcase\tIDCMP_REFRESHWINDOW:\n"
- "\t\t\t\tGT_BeginRefresh( Wnd );\n"
- "\t\t\t\tGT_EndRefresh( Wnd, TRUE );\n"
- "\t\t\t\tbreak;\n";
- static UBYTE CaseRefresh2[] = "\n\t\t\tcase\tIDCMP_REFRESHWINDOW:\n"
- "\t\t\t\tGT_BeginRefresh( Wnd );\n"
- "\t\t\t\t%sRender( Wnd, IE );\n"
- "\t\t\t\tGT_EndRefresh( Wnd, TRUE );\n"
- "\t\t\t\tbreak;\n";
- static UBYTE *IDCMPStr[] = {
- "\n\t\t\tcase\tIDCMP_NEWSIZE:\n"
- "\t\t\t\trunning = %sNewSize( Wnd, Gadgets, IE );\n"
- "\t\t\t\tbreak;\n",
- CaseRefresh,
- "\n\t\t\tcase\tIDCMP_MOUSEBUTTONS:\n"
- "\t\t\t\trunning = %sMouseButtons( Wnd, Gadgets, IE );\n"
- "\t\t\t\tbreak;\n",
- "\n\t\t\tcase\tIDCMP_MOUSEMOVE:\n"
- "\t\t\t\trunning = %sMouseMove( Wnd, Gadgets, IE );\n"
- "\t\t\t\tbreak;\n",
- "\n\t\t\tcase\tIDCMP_GADGETDOWN:\n"
- "\t\t\t\tfunc = gad->UserData;\n"
- "\t\t\t\trunning = (*func)( Wnd, Gadgets, IE, &Msg );\n"
- "\t\t\t\tbreak;\n",
- "\n\t\t\tcase\tIDCMP_GADGETUP:\n"
- "\t\t\t\tfunc = gad->UserData;\n"
- "\t\t\t\trunning = (*func)( Wnd, Gadgets, IE, &Msg );\n"
- "\t\t\t\tbreak;\n",
- "\n\t\t\tcase\tIDCMP_REQSET:\n"
- "\t\t\t\trunning = %sReqSet( Wnd, Gadgets, IE );\n"
- "\t\t\t\tbreak;\n",
- "\n\t\t\tcase\tIDCMP_MENUPICK:\n"
- "\t\t\t\twhile( %sMsg.Code != MENUNULL ) {\n"
- "\t\t\t\t\tn = ItemAddress( %sMenus, %sMsg.Code );\n"
- "\t\t\t\t\tfunc = (GTMENUITEM_USERDATA( n ));\n"
- "\t\t\t\t\trunning = (*func)( Wnd, Gadgets, IE );\n"
- "\t\t\t\t\t%sMsg.Code = n->NextSelect;\n"
- "\t\t\t\t}\n"
- "\t\t\t\tbreak;\n",
- "\n\t\t\tcase\tIDCMP_CLOSEWINDOW:\n"
- "\t\t\t\trunning = %sCloseWindow( Wnd, Gadgets, IE );\n"
- "\t\t\t\tbreak;\n",
- "\n\t\t\tcase\tIDCMP_RAWKEY:\n"
- "\t\t\t\trunning = %sRawKey( Wnd, Gadgets, IE );\n"
- "\t\t\t\tbreak;\n",
- "\n\t\t\tcase\tIDCMP_REQCLEAR:\n"
- "\t\t\t\trunning = %sReqClear( Wnd, Gadgets, IE );\n"
- "\t\t\t\tbreak;\n",
- "\n\t\t\tcase\tIDCMP_NEWPREFS:\n"
- "\t\t\t\trunning = %sNewPrefs( Wnd, Gadgets, IE );\n"
- "\t\t\t\tbreak;\n",
- "\n\t\t\tcase\tIDCMP_DISKINSERTED:\n"
- "\t\t\t\trunning = %sDiskInserted( Wnd, Gadgets, IE );\n"
- "\t\t\t\tbreak;\n",
- "\n\t\t\tcase\tIDCMP_DISKREMOVED:\n"
- "\t\t\t\trunning = %sDiskRemoved( Wnd, Gadgets, IE );\n"
- "\t\t\t\tbreak;\n",
- "\n\t\t\tcase\tIDCMP_WBENCHMESSAGE:\n"
- "\t\t\t\trunning = %sWBenchMessage( Wnd, Gadgets, IE );\n"
- "\t\t\t\tbreak;\n",
- "\n\t\t\tcase\tIDCMP_ACTIVEWINDOW:\n"
- "\t\t\t\trunning = %sActiveWindow( Wnd, Gadgets, IE );\n"
- "\t\t\t\tbreak;\n",
- "\n\t\t\tcase\tIDCMP_INACTIVEWINDOW:\n"
- "\t\t\t\trunning = %sInactiveWindow( Wnd, Gadgets, IE );\n"
- "\t\t\t\tbreak;\n",
- "\n\t\t\tcase\tIDCMP_DELTAMOVE:\n"
- "\t\t\t\trunning = %sDeltaMove( Wnd, Gadgets, IE );\n"
- "\t\t\t\tbreak;\n",
- "\n\t\t\tcase\tIDCMP_VANILLAKEY:\n"
- "\t\t\t\trunning = %sVanillaKey( Code, Wnd, Gadgets, IE );\n"
- "\t\t\t\tbreak;\n",
- "\n\t\t\tcase\tIDCMP_INTUITICKS:\n"
- "\t\t\t\trunning = %sIntuiTicks( Wnd, Gadgets, IE );\n"
- "\t\t\t\tbreak;\n",
- "\n\t\t\tcase\tIDCMP_IDCMPUPDATE:\n"
- "\t\t\t\trunning = %sIDCMPUpdate( Wnd, Gadgets, IE );\n"
- "\t\t\t\tbreak;\n",
- "\n\t\t\tcase\tIDCMP_MENUHELP:\n"
- "\t\t\t\trunning = %sMenuHelp( Wnd, Gadgets, IE );\n"
- "\t\t\t\tbreak;\n",
- "\n\t\t\tcase\tIDCMP_CHANGEWINDOW:\n"
- "\t\t\t\trunning = %sChangeWindow( Wnd, Gadgets, IE );\n"
- "\t\t\t\tbreak;\n",
- "\n\t\t\tcase\tIDCMP_GADGETHELP:\n"
- "\t\t\t\trunning = %sGadgetHelp( Wnd, Gadgets, IE );\n"
- "\t\t\t\tbreak;\n"
- };
- static UBYTE *IDCMPProto[] = {
- "extern BOOL %sNewSize( struct Window *, struct Gadget **, struct IE_Data * );\n",
- "extern BOOL %sMouseButtons( struct Window *, struct Gadget **, struct IE_Data * );\n",
- "extern BOOL %sMouseMove( struct Window *, struct Gadget **, struct IE_Data * );\n",
- "extern BOOL %sReqSet( struct Window *, struct Gadget **, struct IE_Data * );\n",
- "extern BOOL %sCloseWindow( struct Window *, struct Gadget **, struct IE_Data * );\n",
- "extern BOOL %sRawKey( struct Window *, struct Gadget **, struct IE_Data * );\n",
- "extern BOOL %sReqClear( struct Window *, struct Gadget **, struct IE_Data * );\n",
- "extern BOOL %sNewPrefs( struct Window *, struct Gadget **, struct IE_Data * );\n",
- "extern BOOL %sDiskInserted( struct Window *, struct Gadget **, struct IE_Data * );\n",
- "extern BOOL %sDiskRemoved( struct Window *, struct Gadget **, struct IE_Data * );\n",
- "extern BOOL %sWBenchMessage( struct Window *, struct Gadget **, struct IE_Data * );\n",
- "extern BOOL %sActiveWindow( struct Window *, struct Gadget **, struct IE_Data * );\n",
- "extern BOOL %sInactiveWindow( struct Window *, struct Gadget **, struct IE_Data * );\n",
- "extern BOOL %sDeltaMove( struct Window *, struct Gadget **, struct IE_Data * );\n",
- "extern BOOL %sVanillaKey( UBYTE, struct Window *, struct Gadget **, struct IE_Data * );\n",
- "extern BOOL %sIntuiTicks( struct Window *, struct Gadget **, struct IE_Data * );\n",
- "extern BOOL %sIDCMPUpdate( struct Window *, struct Gadget **, struct IE_Data * );\n",
- "extern BOOL %sMenuHelp( struct Window *, struct Gadget **, struct IE_Data * );\n",
- "extern BOOL %sChangeWindow( struct Window *, struct Gadget **, struct IE_Data * );\n",
- "extern BOOL %sGadgetHelp( struct Window *, struct Gadget **, struct IE_Data * );\n"
- };
- static UBYTE *IDCMPTmp[] = {
- "\nBOOL %sNewSize( struct Window *Wnd, struct Gadget *Gadgets[], struct IE_Data *IE )\n"
- "{\n"
- "\t/* Routine for IDCMP_NEWSIZE */\n"
- "\treturn( TRUE );\n"
- "}\n",
- "\nBOOL %sMouseButtons( struct Window *Wnd, struct Gadget *Gadgets[], struct IE_Data *IE )\n"
- "{\n"
- "\t/* Routine for IDCMP_MOUSEBUTTONS */\n"
- "\treturn( TRUE );\n"
- "}\n",
- "\nBOOL %sMouseMove( struct Window *Wnd, struct Gadget *Gadgets[], struct IE_Data *IE )\n"
- "{\n"
- "\t/* Routine for IDCMP_MOUSEMOVE */\n"
- "\treturn( TRUE );\n"
- "}\n",
- "\nBOOL %sReqSet( struct Window *Wnd, struct Gadget *Gadgets[], struct IE_Data *IE )\n"
- "{\n"
- "\t/* Routine for IDCMP_REQSET */\n"
- "\treturn( TRUE );\n"
- "}\n",
- "\nBOOL %sCloseWindow( struct Window *Wnd, struct Gadget *Gadgets[], struct IE_Data *IE )\n"
- "{\n"
- "\t/* Routine for IDCMP_CLOSEWINDOW */\n"
- "\t/* Return FALSE to quit, I suppose... ;) */\n"
- "\treturn( FALSE );\n"
- "}\n",
- "\nBOOL %sRawKey( struct Window *Wnd, struct Gadget *Gadgets[], struct IE_Data *IE )\n"
- "{\n"
- "\t/* Routine for IDCMP_RAWKEY */\n"
- "\treturn( TRUE );\n"
- "}\n",
- "\nBOOL %sReqClear( struct Window *Wnd, struct Gadget *Gadgets[], struct IE_Data *IE )\n"
- "{\n"
- "\t/* Routine for IDCMP_REQCLEAR */\n"
- "\treturn( TRUE );\n"
- "}\n",
- "\nBOOL %sNewPrefs( struct Window *Wnd, struct Gadget *Gadgets[], struct IE_Data *IE )\n"
- "{\n"
- "\t/* Routine for IDCMP_NEWPREFS */\n"
- "\treturn( TRUE );\n"
- "}\n",
- "\nBOOL %sDiskInserted( struct Window *Wnd, struct Gadget *Gadgets[], struct IE_Data *IE )\n"
- "{\n"
- "\t/* Routine for IDCMP_DISKINSERTED */\n"
- "\treturn( TRUE );\n"
- "}\n",
- "\nBOOL %sDiskRemoved( struct Window *Wnd, struct Gadget *Gadgets[], struct IE_Data *IE )\n"
- "{\n"
- "\t/* Routine for IDCMP_DISKREMOVED */\n"
- "\treturn( TRUE );\n"
- "}\n",
- "\nBOOL %sWBenchMessage( struct Window *Wnd, struct Gadget *Gadgets[], struct IE_Data *IE )\n"
- "{\n"
- "\t/* Routine for IDCMP_WBENCHMESSAGE */\n"
- "\treturn( TRUE );\n"
- "}\n",
- "\nBOOL %sActiveWindow( struct Window *Wnd, struct Gadget *Gadgets[], struct IE_Data *IE )\n"
- "{\n"
- "\t/* Routine for IDCMP_ACTIVEWINDOW */\n"
- "\treturn( TRUE );\n"
- "}\n",
- "\nBOOL %sInactiveWindow( struct Window *Wnd, struct Gadget *Gadgets[], struct IE_Data *IE )\n"
- "{\n"
- "\t/* Routine for IDCMP_INACTIVEWINDOW */\n"
- "\treturn( TRUE );\n"
- "}\n",
- "\nBOOL %sDeltaMove( struct Window *Wnd, struct Gadget *Gadgets[], struct IE_Data *IE )\n"
- "{\n"
- "\t/* Routine for IDCMP_DELTAMOVE */\n"
- "\treturn( TRUE );\n"
- "}\n",
- "\nBOOL %sVanillaKey( UBYTE Code, struct Window *Wnd, struct Gadget *Gadgets[], struct IE_Data *IE )\n"
- "{\n"
- "\t/* Routine for IDCMP_VANILLAKEY */\n"
- "\treturn( TRUE );\n"
- "}\n",
- "\nBOOL %sIntuiTicks( struct Window *Wnd, struct Gadget *Gadgets[], struct IE_Data *IE )\n"
- "{\n"
- "\t/* Routine for IDCMP_INTUITICKS */\n"
- "\treturn( TRUE );\n"
- "}\n",
- "\nBOOL %sIDCMPUpdate( struct Window *Wnd, struct Gadget *Gadgets[], struct IE_Data *IE )\n"
- "{\n"
- "\t/* Routine for IDCMP_IDCMPUPDATE */\n"
- "\treturn( TRUE );\n"
- "}\n",
- "\nBOOL %sMenuHelp( struct Window *Wnd, struct Gadget *Gadgets[], struct IE_Data *IE )\n"
- "{\n"
- "\t/* Routine for IDCMP_MENUHELP */\n"
- "\treturn( TRUE );\n"
- "}\n",
- "\nBOOL %sChangeWindow( struct Window *Wnd, struct Gadget *Gadgets[], struct IE_Data *IE )\n"
- "{\n"
- "\t/* Routine for IDCMP_CHANGEWINDOW */\n"
- "\treturn( TRUE );\n"
- "}\n",
- "\nBOOL %sGadgetHelp( struct Window *Wnd, struct Gadget *Gadgets[], struct IE_Data *IE )\n"
- "{\n"
- "\t/* Routine for IDCMP_GADGETHELP */\n"
- "\treturn( TRUE );\n"
- "}\n"
- };
- ///
- // Misc
- /// AskFile
- BOOL AskFile( UBYTE *File, struct IE_Data *IE )
- {
- BOOL ret = TRUE;
- BPTR lock;
- if( lock = Lock( File, ACCESS_READ )) {
- UnLock( lock );
- ULONG tags[] = { RT_ReqPos, REQPOS_CENTERSCR, RT_Underscore, '_',
- RT_Screen, IE->ScreenData->Screen, TAG_DONE };
- ret = rtEZRequest( "%s alreay exists.\n"
- "Overwrite?",
- "_Yes|_No",
- NULL, (struct TagItem *)tags,
- FilePart( File )
- );
- }
- return( ret );
- }
- ///
- /// WriteList
- void WriteList( struct GenFiles *Files, struct MinList *List, UBYTE *Label, UWORD Num, struct IE_Data *IE )
- {
- struct GadgetScelta *gs;
- UWORD cnt;
- if( Num ) {
- FPrintf( Files->XDef, "extern struct MinList %sList;\n", Label );
- FPrintf( Files->Std, "\nstruct Node %sNodes[] = {\n\t", Label );
- gs = List->mlh_Head;
- if( Num == 1 ) {
- FPrintf( Files->Std, "(struct Node *)&%sList.mlh_Tail, (struct Node *)&%sList.mlh_Head, 0, 0, ",
- Label, Label );
- FPrintf( Files->Std, "\"%s\"", gs->gs_Testo );
- FPuts( Files->Std, " };\n" );
- } else {
- FPrintf( Files->Std, "&%sNodes[1], (struct Node *)&%sList.mlh_Head, 0, 0, ",
- Label, Label );
- FPrintf( Files->Std, "\"%s\"", gs->gs_Testo );
- FPuts( Files->Std, ",\n" );
- for( cnt = 1; cnt < Num - 1; cnt++ ) {
- gs = gs->gs_Node.ln_Succ;
- FPrintf( Files->Std, "\t&%sNodes[%ld], &%sNodes[%ld], 0, 0, ",
- Label, cnt + 1, Label, cnt - 1 );
- FPrintf( Files->Std, "\"%s\"", gs->gs_Testo );
- FPuts( Files->Std, ",\n" );
- }
- gs = gs->gs_Node.ln_Succ;
- FPrintf( Files->Std, "\t(struct Node *)&%sList.mlh_Tail, &%sNodes[%ld], 0, 0, ",
- Label, Label, Num - 2 );
- FPrintf( Files->Std, "\"%s\"", gs->gs_Testo );
- FPuts( Files->Std, " };\n" );
- }
- FPrintf( Files->Std, "\nstruct MinList %sList = {\n"
- "\t(struct MinNode *)&%sNodes[0], (struct MinNode *)NULL, (struct MinNode *)&%sNodes[%ld] };\n",
- Label, Label, Label, Num - 1 );
- }
- }
- ///
- // Code
- /// WriteSetupScr
- void WriteSetupScr( struct GenFiles *Files, struct IE_Data *IE )
- {
- if( IE->SrcFlags & FONTSENSITIVE ) {
- FPuts( Files->XDef, "extern UWORD ScaleX( UWORD, UWORD );\n"
- "extern UWORD ScaleY( UWORD, UWORD );\n" );
- FPrintf( Files->Std, "\nUWORD ScaleX( UWORD FontX, UWORD value )\n"
- "{\n"
- "\treturn(( UWORD )((( FontX * value ) + %ld ) / %ld ));\n"
- "}\n"
- "\n"
- "UWORD ScaleY( UWORD FontY, UWORD value )\n"
- "{\n"
- "\treturn(( UWORD )((( FontY * value ) + %ld ) / %ld ));\n"
- "}\n",
- IE->ScreenData->Screen->RastPort.Font->tf_XSize >> 1,
- IE->ScreenData->Screen->RastPort.Font->tf_XSize,
- IE->ScreenData->Screen->RastPort.Font->tf_YSize >> 1,
- IE->ScreenData->Screen->RastPort.Font->tf_YSize );
- }
- FPuts( Files->Std, "\nvoid CloseWnd( struct Window **Wnd, struct Gadget **GList )\n"
- "{\n"
- "\tif( *Wnd ) {\n"
- "\t\tCloseWindow( *Wnd );\n"
- "\t\t*Wnd = NULL;\n"
- "\t}\n"
- "\tif( GList ) {\n"
- "\t\tFreeGadgets( *GList );\n"
- "\t\t*GList = NULL;\n"
- "\t}\n"
- "}\n" );
- }
- ///
- /// WriteOpenWnd
- void WriteOpenWnd( struct GenFiles *Files, struct IE_Data *IE )
- {
- struct WindowInfo *wnd;
- UWORD cnt = 0;
- for( wnd = IE->win_list.mlh_Head; wnd->wi_succ; wnd = wnd->wi_succ ) {
- FPrintf( Files->XDef, "extern LONG Open%sWindow( struct Window **, struct Gadget **, struct Gadget **, struct IE_Data * );\n",
- wnd->wi_Label );
- FPrintf( Files->Std, "\nLONG Open%sWindow( struct Window **Wnd, struct Gadget **GList, struct Gadget *Gadgets[], struct IE_Data *IE )\n"
- "{\n"
- "\tLONG\t\tret_code = NULL;\n",
- wnd->wi_Label );
- if( IE->SrcFlags & FONTSENSITIVE ) {
- FPrintf( Files->Std, "\tUWORD\t\tFontX, FontY;\n"
- "\tstruct TextAttr\t*Font;\n\n"
- "\tFont = IE->ScreenData->Screen->Font;\n"
- "\tFontY = IE->ScreenData->Screen->RastPort.Font->tf_YSize;\n"
- "\tFontX = IE->ScreenData->Screen->RastPort.Font->tf_XSize;\n"
- "\n"
- "\tif((( ScaleX( FontX, %ld ) + IE->ScreenData->Screen->WBorRight + IE->ScreenData->XOffset ) > IE->ScreenData->Screen->Width ) ||\n"
- "\t\t(( ScaleY( FontY, %ld ) + IE->ScreenData->Screen->WBorBottom + IE->ScreenData->YOffset ) > IE->ScreenData->Screen->Height )) {\n"
- "\t\t\tFont = &topaz8_065;\n"
- "\t\t\tFontX = FontY = 8;\n"
- "\t\t}\n",
- wnd->wi_Width - ( IE->ScreenData->XOffset + IE->ScreenData->Screen->WBorRight ),
- wnd->wi_Height - ( IE->ScreenData->YOffset + IE->ScreenData->Screen->WBorBottom ));
- }
- if( wnd->wi_NumGads ) {
- FPrintf( Files->Std, "\n\tstruct Gadget\t\t*g;\n"
- "\tUWORD\t\t\tlc, tc;\n"
- "\tstruct NewGadget\tng;\n"
- "\n"
- "\tif(!( g = CreateContext( GList )))\n"
- "\t\treturn( 1L );\n"
- "\n"
- "\tfor( lc = 0, tc = 0; lc < %s_CNT; lc++ ) {\n\n"
- "\t\tCopyMem(( char * )&%sNGad[ lc ], ( char * )&ng, ( long )sizeof( struct NewGadget ));\n"
- "\t\tng.ng_VisualInfo = IE->ScreenData->Visual;\n",
- wnd->wi_Label, wnd->wi_Label );
- if( IE->SrcFlags & FONTSENSITIVE )
- FPuts( Files->Std, "\t\tng.ng_TextAttr = Font;\n"
- "\t\tng.ng_LeftEdge = IE->ScreenData->XOffset + ScaleX( FontX, ng.ng_LeftEdge );\n"
- "\t\tng.ng_TopEdge = IE->ScreenData->YOffset + ScaleY( FontY, ng.ng_TopEdge );\n"
- "\t\tng.ng_Width = ScaleX( FontX, ng.ng_Width );\n"
- "\t\tng.ng_Height = ScaleY( FontY, ng.ng_Height );\n" );
- else
- FPuts( Files->Std, "\t\tng.ng_TopEdge += IE->ScreenData->YOffset;\n"
- "\t\tng.ng_LeftEdge += IE->ScreenData->XOffset;\n" );
- FPrintf( Files->Std, "\t\tGadgets[ lc ] = g = CreateGadgetA((ULONG)%sGTypes[ lc ], g, &ng, (struct TagItem *)&%sGTags[ tc ] );\n\n"
- "\t\twhile( %sGTags[ tc ] ) tc += 2;\n"
- "\t\ttc++;\n\n"
- "\t\tif( !g )\n"
- "\t\t\treturn( 2L );\n"
- "\t}\n\n",
- wnd->wi_Label, wnd->wi_Label, wnd->wi_Label );
- }
- WriteWindowTags( Files, IE, wnd );
- if( IE->SrcFlags & FONTSENSITIVE )
- FPuts( Files->Std, "\n\tWTags[ WT_LEFT ].ti_Data = (IE->ScreenData->Screen->Width - WTags[ WT_WIDTH ].ti_Data) >> 1;\n"
- "\tWTags[ WT_TOP ].ti_Data = (IE->ScreenData->Screen->Height - WTags[ WT_HEIGHT ].ti_Data) >> 1;\n" );
- FPuts( Files->Std, "\n\tif(!( *Wnd = OpenWindowTagList( NULL, &WTags[0] )))\n"
- "\t\treturn( 4L );\n"
- "\n\tGT_RefreshWindow( *Wnd, NULL );\n" );
- if( wnd->wi_NumBoxes + wnd->wi_NumImages + wnd->wi_NumTexts )
- FPrintf( Files->Std, "\n\t%sRender( *Wnd, IE );\n", wnd->wi_Label );
- FPrintf( Files->Std, "\treturn( 0L );\n"
- "}\n",
- wnd->wi_Label );
- }
- }
- ///
- /// WriteRender
- void WriteRender( struct GenFiles *Files, struct IE_Data *IE )
- {
- struct WindowInfo *wnd;
- struct BevelBoxNode *box;
- WORD x, y;
- for( wnd = IE->win_list.mlh_Head; wnd->wi_succ; wnd = wnd->wi_succ ) {
- if( wnd->wi_NumBoxes + wnd->wi_NumImages + wnd->wi_NumTexts ) {
- FPrintf( Files->XDef, "extern void %sRender( struct Window *, struct IE_Data * );\n", wnd->wi_Label );
- FPrintf( Files->Std, "\nvoid %sRender( struct Window *Wnd, struct IE_Data *IE )\n{\n", wnd->wi_Label );
- if( IE->SrcFlags & FONTSENSITIVE ) {
- if( wnd->wi_NumImages )
- FPuts( Files->Std, "\tstruct Image\t\tim;\n"
- "\tstruct Image\t\t*imp;\n" );
- if( wnd->wi_NumTexts )
- FPuts( Files->Std, "\tstruct IntuiText\tit;\n" );
- if(( wnd->wi_NumImages ) || ( wnd->wi_NumTexts ))
- FPuts( Files->Std, "\tUWORD\t\t\tc;\n" );
- }
- for( box = wnd->wi_Boxes.mlh_Head; box->bb_Next; box = box->bb_Next ) {
- x = box->bb_Left - IE->ScreenData->XOffset;
- y = box->bb_Top - IE->ScreenData->YOffset;
- if( IE->SrcFlags & FONTSENSITIVE )
- FPrintf( Files->Std, "\n\tDrawBevelBox( Wnd->RPort, ScaleX( FontX, %ld ) + IE->ScreenData->XOffset, ScaleY( FontY, %ld ) + IE->ScreenData->YOffset, ScaleX( %ld ), ScaleY( %ld ),\n"
- "\t\tGT_VisualInfo, IE->ScreenData->Visual,",
- x, y, box->bb_Width, box->bb_Height );
- else
- FPrintf( Files->Std, "\n\tDrawBevelBox( Wnd->RPort, %ld + IE->ScreenData->XOffset, %ld + IE->ScreenData->YOffset, %ld, %ld,\n"
- "\t\tGT_VisualInfo, IE->ScreenData->Visual,",
- x, y, box->bb_Width, box->bb_Height );
- if( box->bb_Recessed )
- FPuts( Files->Std, " GTBB_Recessed, TRUE," );
- if( box->bb_FrameType != 1 )
- VFPrintf( Files->Std, " GTBB_FrameType, %ld,", &box->bb_FrameType );
- FPuts( Files->Std, " TAG_DONE );\n" );
- }
- if( wnd->wi_NumImages ) {
- if( IE->SrcFlags & FONTSENSITIVE ) {
- FPrintf( Files->Std, "\n\timp = &%s_0Image;\n"
- "\tfor( c = 0; c < %ld; c++ ) {\n"
- "\t\tCopyMem(( char * )imp, ( char * )&im, ( long )sizeof( struct Image ));\n"
- "\t\timp = imp->NextImage;\n"
- "\t\tim.NextImage = NULL;\n"
- "\t\tim.LeftEdge = IE->ScreenData->XOffset + ScaleX( im.LeftEdge );\n"
- "\t\tim.TopEdge = IE->ScreenData->YOffset + ScaleY( im.TopEdge );\n"
- "\t\tDrawImage( Wnd->RPort, &im, 0, 0 );\n"
- "\t}\n",
- wnd->wi_Label, wnd->wi_NumImages );
- } else {
- FPrintf( Files->Std, "\n\tDrawImage( Wnd->RPort, &%s_0Image, XOffset, YOffset );\n",
- wnd->wi_Label );
- }
- }
- if( wnd->wi_NumTexts ) {
- if( IE->SrcFlags & FONTSENSITIVE ) {
- FPrintf( Files->Std, "\n\tfor( c = 0; c < %ld; c++ ) {\n"
- "\t\tCopyMem(( char * )&%sIText[ c ], ( char * )&it, ( long )sizeof( struct IntuiText ));\n"
- "\t\tit.LeftEdge = IE->ScreenData->XOffset + ScaleX( it.LeftEdge ) - ( IntuiTextLength( &it ) >> 1 );\n"
- "\t\tit.TopEdge = IE->ScreenData->YOffset + ScaleY( it.TopEdge ) - ( Font->ta_YSize >> 1 );\n"
- "\t\tPrintIText( Wnd->RPort, &it, 0, 0 );\n"
- "\t}\n",
- wnd->wi_NumTexts, wnd->wi_Label );
- } else {
- FPrintf( Files->Std, "\n\tPrintIText( Wnd->RPort, %sIText, XOffset, YOffset );\n",
- wnd->wi_Label );
- }
- }
- FPuts( Files->Std, "}\n" );
- }
- }
- }
- ///
- /// WriteIDCMPHandler
- void WriteIDCMPHandler( struct GenFiles *Files, struct IE_Data *IE )
- {
- struct WindowInfo *wnd;
- UWORD c;
- ULONG idcmp;
- for( wnd = IE->win_list.mlh_Head; wnd->wi_succ; wnd = wnd->wi_succ ) {
- if( wnd->wi_IDCMP ) {
- FPrintf( Files->XDef, "extern LONG Handle%sIDCMP( struct Window *, struct Gadget **, struct IE_Data * );\n", wnd->wi_Label );
- FPrintf( Files->Std, "\nLONG Handle%sIDCMP( struct Window *Wnd, struct Gadget *Gadgets[], struct IE_Data *IE )\n"
- "{\n"
- "\tstruct IntuiMessage\t*m, Msg;\n",
- wnd->wi_Label );
- if( wnd->wi_IDCMP & IDCMP_MENUPICK )
- FPuts( Files->Std, "\tstruct MenuItem\t\t*n;\n" );
- FPuts( Files->Std, "\tBOOL\t\t\t(*func)( struct Window *, struct Gadget **, struct IE_Data *, struct IntuiMessage * );\n"
- "\tBOOL\t\t\trunning = TRUE;\n"
- "\tint\t\t\tclass;\n"
- "\tshort\t\t\tcode;\n"
- "\tstruct Gadget\t*gad;\n"
- "\n"
- "\twhile( m = GT_GetIMsg( Wnd->UserPort )) {\n\n"
- "\t\tclass = m->Class;\n"
- "\t\tcode = m->Code;\n"
- "\t\tgad = (struct Gadget *)m->IAddress;\n\n"
- "\t\tCopyMem((char *)m, (char *)&Msg, (long)sizeof( struct IntuiMessage ));\n" );
- for( c = 0; c < 3; c++ ) {
- if( wnd->wi_IDCMP & IDCMPVer[ c ]) {
- FPrintf( Files->XDef, IDCMPVerProto[ c ], wnd->wi_Label );
- FPrintf( Files->Std, IDCMPVerStr[ c ], wnd->wi_Label );
- if( IE->C_Prefs & GEN_TEMPLATE )
- FPrintf( Files->Temp, IDCMPVerTmp[ c ], wnd->wi_Label );
- }
- }
- FPuts( Files->Std, "\n\t\tGT_ReplyIMsg( m );\n\n"
- "\t\tswitch( class ) {\n" );
- idcmp = wnd->wi_IDCMP;
- if(( idcmp & IDCMP_GADGETUP ) && ( idcmp & IDCMP_GADGETDOWN )) {
- FPrintf( Files->Std, "\n\t\t\tcase\tIDCMP_GADGETUP:\n"
- "\t\t\tcase\tIDCMP_GADGETDOWN:\n"
- "\t\t\t\tfunc = gad->UserData;\n"
- "\t\t\t\trunning = (*func)( Wnd, Gadgets, IE, &Msg );\n"
- "\t\t\t\tbreak;\n",
- wnd->wi_Label );
- }
- if(( IE->C_Prefs & KEY_HANDLER ) && ( wnd->wi_NumKeys )) {
- FPrintf( Files->Std, "\n\t\t\tcase\tIDCMP_VANILLAKEY:\n"
- "\t\t\t\trunning = Handle%sKeys( code, Wnd, Gadgets, IE, &Msg );\n"
- "\t\t\t\tbreak;\n",
- wnd->wi_Label );
- if( idcmp & IDCMP_VANILLAKEY ) {
- FPrintf( Files->XDef, "extern BOOL %sVanillaKey( UBYTE, struct Window *, struct Gadget **, struct IE_Data * );\n", wnd->wi_Label );
- if( IE->C_Prefs & GEN_TEMPLATE )
- FPrintf( Files->Temp, VanillaTmp, wnd->wi_Label );
- }
- }
- IDCMPStr[2] = ( wnd->wi_NumBoxes + wnd->wi_NumImages + wnd->wi_NumTexts ) ? CaseRefresh2 : CaseRefresh;
- for( c = 0; c < IDCMPS_NUM; c++ ) {
- if( idcmp & idcmps[ c ]) {
- if( IDCMPStr[ c ]) {
- FPrintf( Files->Std, IDCMPStr[ c ],
- wnd->wi_Label, wnd->wi_Label,
- wnd->wi_Label, wnd->wi_Label );
- if( IDCMPProto[ c ])
- FPrintf( Files->XDef, IDCMPProto[ c ], wnd->wi_Label );
- if(( IE->C_Prefs & GEN_TEMPLATE ) && ( IDCMPTmp[ c ]))
- FPrintf( Files->Temp, IDCMPTmp[ c ], wnd->wi_Label );
- }
- }
- }
- FPuts( Files->Std, "\n\t\t}\n\t}\n\treturn( running );\n}\n" );
- }
- }
- }
- ///
- /// WriteKeyHandler
- void WriteKeyHandler( struct GenFiles *Files, struct IE_Data *IE )
- {
- struct WindowInfo *wnd;
- struct GadgetInfo *gad;
- UBYTE ch;
- for( wnd = IE->win_list.mlh_Head; wnd->wi_succ; wnd = wnd->wi_succ ) {
- if( wnd->wi_NumKeys ) {
- FPrintf( Files->XDef, "extern BOOL Handle%sKeys( UBYTE, struct Window *, struct Gadget **, struct IE_Data *, struct IntuiMessage * );\n", wnd->wi_Label );
- FPrintf( Files->Std, "\nBOOL Handle%sKeys( UBYTE Code, struct Window *Wnd, struct Gadget *Gadgets[], struct IE_Data *IE, struct IntuiMessage *Msg )\n"
- "{\n"
- "\tBOOL running = TRUE;\n\n",
- wnd->wi_Label );
- if( IE->C_Prefs & TO_LOWER )
- FPuts( Files->Std, "\tswitch( tolower( Code )) {\n" );
- else
- FPuts( Files->Std, "\tswitch( Code ) {\n" );
- for( gad = wnd->wi_Gadgets.mlh_Head; gad->g_Node.ln_Succ; gad = gad->g_Node.ln_Succ ) {
- if(( gad->g_Tags & 1 ) && ( gad->g_Key )) {
- ch = ( IE->C_Prefs & TO_LOWER ) ? tolower( gad->g_Key ) : gad->g_Key;
- if(( gad->g_Kind == STRING_KIND ) || ( gad->g_Kind == INTEGER_KIND )) {
- FPrintf( Files->Std, "\n\t\tcase\t'%lc':\n"
- "\t\t\tif(!( Gadgets[ GD_%s ]->Flags & GFLG_DISABLED ))\n"
- "\t\t\t\tActivateGadget( Gadgets[ GD_%s ], Wnd, NULL );\n"
- "\t\t\tbreak;\n",
- ch, gad->g_Label, gad->g_Label );
- } else {
- FPrintf( Files->Std, "\n\t\tcase\t'%lc':\n"
- "\t\t\trunning = %sKeyPressed( Wnd, Gadgets, IE, Msg );\n"
- "\t\t\tbreak;\n",
- ch, gad->g_Label );
- FPrintf( Files->XDef, "extern BOOL %sKeyPressed( struct Window *, struct Gadget **, struct IE_Data *, struct IntuiMessage * );\n", gad->g_Label );
- if( IE->C_Prefs & GEN_TEMPLATE )
- FPrintf( Files->Temp, "\nBOOL %sKeyPressed( struct Window *Wnd, struct Gadget *Gadgets[], struct IE_Data *IE, struct IntuiMessage *Msg )\n"
- "{\n"
- "\t/* Routine when \"%s\"'s activation key is pressed */\n"
- "\n"
- "\t/* ...or return TRUE not to call the gadget function */\n"
- "\treturn %sClicked( Wnd, Gadgets, IE );\n"
- "}\n",
- gad->g_Label, gad->g_Titolo, gad->g_Label );
- }
- }
- }
- if( wnd->wi_IDCMP & IDCMP_VANILLAKEY )
- FPrintf( Files->Std, "\n\t\tdefault:\n"
- "\t\t\trunning = %sVanillaKey( Code, Wnd, Gadgets, IE );\n"
- "\t\t\tbreak;\n",
- wnd->wi_Label );
- FPuts( Files->Std, "\n\t}\n\treturn( running );\n}\n" );
- }
- }
- }
- ///
- /// WriteClickedPtrs
- void WriteClickedPtrs( struct GenFiles *Files, struct IE_Data *IE )
- {
- struct WindowInfo *wnd;
- struct GadgetInfo *gad;
- for( wnd = IE->win_list.mlh_Head; wnd->wi_succ; wnd = wnd->wi_succ ) {
- for( gad = wnd->wi_Gadgets.mlh_Head; gad->g_Node.ln_Succ; gad = gad->g_Node.ln_Succ ) {
- if(( gad->g_Kind != NUMBER_KIND ) && ( gad->g_Kind != TEXT_KIND )) {
- FPrintf( Files->XDef, "extern BOOL %sClicked( struct Window *, struct Gadget **, struct IE_Data *, struct IntuiMessage * );\n", gad->g_Label );
- if( IE->C_Prefs & GEN_TEMPLATE )
- FPrintf( Files->Temp, "\nBOOL %sClicked( struct Window *wnd, struct Gadget *Gadgets[], struct IE_Data *IE, struct IntuiMessage *Msg )\n"
- "{\n"
- "\t/* Routine when \"%s\" is clicked */\n"
- "\treturn( TRUE );\n"
- "}\n",
- gad->g_Label, gad->g_Titolo );
- }
- }
- }
- }
- ///
- // Data & Structures
- /// WriteNewGadgets
- void WriteNewGadgets( struct GenFiles *Files, struct IE_Data *IE )
- {
- struct WindowInfo *wnd;
- struct GadgetInfo *gad;
- UBYTE buffer[256], *or;
- UWORD c, c2;
- for( wnd = IE->win_list.mlh_Head; wnd->wi_succ; wnd = wnd->wi_succ ) {
- if( wnd->wi_NumGads - wnd->wi_NumBools ) {
- FPrintf( Files->XDef, "extern struct NewGadget\t\t%sNGad[];\n", wnd->wi_Label );
- FPrintf( Files->Std, "\nstruct NewGadget %sNGad[] = {\n\t", wnd->wi_Label );
- for( gad = wnd->wi_Gadgets.mlh_Head; gad->g_Node.ln_Succ; gad = gad->g_Node.ln_Succ ) {
- if( gad->g_Kind < BOOLEAN ) {
- FPrintf( Files->Std, "%ld, %ld, %ld, %ld, ",
- gad->g_Left - IE->ScreenData->XOffset,
- gad->g_Top - IE->ScreenData->YOffset,
- gad->g_Width, gad->g_Height );
- if( gad->g_Titolo[0] ) {
- FPrintf( Files->Std, "\"%s\"", gad->g_Titolo );
- } else
- FPuts( Files->Std, Null );
- FPuts( Files->Std, ", " );
- if( gad->g_Font )
- FPrintf( Files->Std, "&%s", gad->g_Font->txa_Label );
- else
- FPuts( Files->Std, Null );
- FPrintf( Files->Std, ", GD_%s, ", gad->g_Label );
- if( gad->g_Flags ) {
- buffer[0] = '\0';
- if( gad->g_Flags & 32 ) {
- strcpy( buffer, "NG_HIGHLABEL" );
- or = "|";
- } else {
- or = "";
- }
- c = gad->g_Flags & 0xFFDF;
- if( c ) {
- strcat( buffer, or );
- c2 = 0;
- while(!( c & gadget_flags[ c2 ]))
- c2 += 1;
- strcat( buffer, GadFlags[ c2 ]);
- }
- FPuts( Files->Std, buffer );
- } else {
- FPuts( Files->Std, Null );
- }
- FPuts( Files->Std, ", NULL, " );
- if(( IE->C_Prefs & CLICKED ) && ( gad->g_Kind != TEXT_KIND ) && ( gad->g_Kind != NUMBER_KIND ))
- FPrintf( Files->Std, "(APTR)%sClicked", gad->g_Label );
- else
- FPuts( Files->Std, Null );
- FPuts( Files->Std, ",\n\t" );
- }
- }
- Flush( Files->Std );
- Seek( Files->Std, -3, OFFSET_CURRENT );
- FPuts( Files->Std, "\n};\n" );
- }
- }
- }
- ///
- /// WriteGadgetTags
- void WriteGadgetTags( struct GenFiles *Files, struct IE_Data *IE )
- {
- struct WindowInfo *wnd;
- struct GadgetInfo *gad;
- for( wnd = IE->win_list.mlh_Head; wnd->wi_succ; wnd = wnd->wi_succ ) {
- if( wnd->wi_NumGads - wnd->wi_NumBools ) {
- FPrintf( Files->XDef, "extern ULONG\t\t\t%sGTags[];\n", wnd->wi_Label );
- FPrintf( Files->Std, "\nULONG %sGTags[] = {\n\t", wnd->wi_Label );
- for( gad = wnd->wi_Gadgets.mlh_Head; gad->g_Node.ln_Succ; gad = gad->g_Node.ln_Succ ) {
- if( gad->g_Kind < BOOLEAN ) {
- if( gad->g_Tags & 1 )
- FPuts( Files->Std, "(GT_Underscore), '_', " );
- switch( gad->g_Kind ) {
- if( gad->g_Tags & 2 )
- FPuts( Files->Std, GADisabled );
- if( gad->g_Tags & 4 )
- FPuts( Files->Std, GAImmediate );
- break;
- if( gad->g_Tags & 2 )
- FPuts( Files->Std, GADisabled );
- if( gad->g_Tags & 4 )
- FPuts( Files->Std, "(GTCB_Checked), TRUE, " );
- if( gad->g_Tags & 8 )
- FPuts( Files->Std, "(GTCB_Scaled), TRUE, " );
- break;
- if( ((struct IK)(gad->g_Data)).Num )
- FPrintf( Files->Std, "(GTIN_Number), %ld, ", ((struct IK)(gad->g_Data)).Num );
- if( ((struct IK)(gad->g_Data)).MaxC != 10 )
- FPrintf( Files->Std, "(GTIN_MaxChars), %ld, ", ((struct IK)(gad->g_Data)).MaxC );
- if( ((struct IK)(gad->g_Data)).Just )
- FPrintf( Files->Std, "(STRINGA_Justification), %s, ", STRINGA_txts[ ((struct IK)(gad->g_Data)).Just ]);
- if( gad->g_Tags & 2 )
- FPuts( Files->Std, GADisabled );
- if( gad->g_Tags & 4 )
- FPuts( Files->Std, GAImmediate );
- if(!( gad->g_Tags & 8 ))
- FPuts( Files->Std, GATabCycle );
- if( gad->g_Tags & 0x10 )
- FPuts( Files->Std, STRINGAExitHelp );
- if( gad->g_Tags & 0x20 )
- FPuts( Files->Std, STRINGAReplaceMode );
- break;
- if( gad->g_NumScelte )
- FPrintf( Files->Std, "(GTLV_Labels), (ULONG)&%sList, ", gad->g_Label );
- if( ((struct LK)(gad->g_Data)).Top )
- FPrintf( Files->Std, "(GTLV_Top), %ld, ", ((struct LK)(gad->g_Data)).Top );
- if( ((struct LK)(gad->g_Data)).Vis )
- FPrintf( Files->Std, "(GTLV_MakeVisible), %ld, ", ((struct LK)(gad->g_Data)).Vis );
- if( ((struct LK)(gad->g_Data)).ScW != 16 )
- FPrintf( Files->Std, "(GTLV_ScrollWidth), %ld, ", ((struct LK)(gad->g_Data)).ScW );
- if( ((struct LK)(gad->g_Data)).Sel )
- FPrintf( Files->Std, "(GTLV_Selected), %ld, ", ((struct LK)(gad->g_Data)).Sel );
- if( ((struct LK)(gad->g_Data)).Spc )
- FPrintf( Files->Std, LAYOUTASpacing, ((struct LK)(gad->g_Data)).Spc );
- if( ((struct LK)(gad->g_Data)).IH )
- FPrintf( Files->Std, "(GTLV_ItemHeight), %ld, ", ((struct LK)(gad->g_Data)).IH );
- if( ((struct LK)(gad->g_Data)).MaxP )
- FPrintf( Files->Std, "(GTLV_MaxPen), %ld, ", ((struct LK)(gad->g_Data)).MaxP );
- if( gad->g_Tags & 2 )
- FPuts( Files->Std, GADisabled );
- if( gad->g_Tags & 4 )
- FPuts( Files->Std, "(GTLV_ReadOnly), TRUE, " );
- if( gad->g_Tags & 8 )
- FPuts( Files->Std, "(GTLV_ShowSelected), NULL, " );
- break;
- case MX_KIND:
- FPuts( Files->Std, "(GTMX_Labels), (ULONG)&" );
- FPrintf( Files->Std, "%sLabels", gad->g_Label );
- FPuts( Files->Std, "[0], " );
- if( ((struct MK)(gad->g_Data)).Act )
- FPrintf( Files->Std, "(GTMX_Active), %ld, ", ((struct MK)(gad->g_Data)).Act );
- if( ((struct MK)(gad->g_Data)).Spc != 1 )
- FPrintf( Files->Std, "(GTMX_Spacing), %ld, ", ((struct MK)(gad->g_Data)).Spc );
- if( gad->g_Titolo[0] )
- FPrintf( Files->Std, "(GTMX_TitlePlace), %s, ", GadFlags[ ((struct MK)(gad->g_Data)).TitPlc ]);
- if( gad->g_Tags & 2 )
- FPuts( Files->Std, GADisabled );
- if( gad->g_Tags & 4 )
- FPuts( Files->Std, "(GTMX_Scaled), TRUE, " );
- break;
- if( ((struct NK)(gad->g_Data)).Num )
- FPrintf( Files->Std, "(GTNM_Number), %ld, ", ((struct NK)(gad->g_Data)).Num );
- if( ((struct NK)(gad->g_Data)).FPen != -1 )
- FPrintf( Files->Std, "(GTNM_FrontPen), %ld, ", ((struct NK)(gad->g_Data)).FPen );
- if( ((struct NK)(gad->g_Data)).BPen != -1 )
- FPrintf( Files->Std, "(GTNM_BackPen), %ld, ", ((struct NK)(gad->g_Data)).BPen );
- if( ((struct NK)(gad->g_Data)).Just )
- FPrintf( Files->Std, "(GTNM_Justification), %s, ", GTJ_txts[ ((struct NK)(gad->g_Data)).Just ]);
- if( ((struct NK)(gad->g_Data)).MNL != 10 )
- FPrintf( Files->Std, "(GTNM_MaxNumberLen), %ld, ", ((struct NK)(gad->g_Data)).MNL );
- if( strcmp( ((struct NK)(gad->g_Data)).Format, "%ld" )) {
- FPuts( Files->Std, "(GTNM_Format), (ULONG)" );
- FPrintf( Files->Std, "\"%s\", ", ((struct NK)(gad->g_Data)).Format );
- }
- if( gad->g_Tags & 2 )
- FPuts( Files->Std, "(GTNM_Border), TRUE, " );
- if( gad->g_Tags & 4 )
- FPuts( Files->Std, "(GTNM_Clipped), TRUE, " );
- break;
- case CYCLE_KIND:
- FPuts( Files->Std, "(GTCY_Labels), (ULONG)&" );
- FPrintf( Files->Std, "%sLabels", gad->g_Label );
- FPuts( Files->Std, "[0], " );
- if( ((struct CK)(gad->g_Data)).Act )
- FPrintf( Files->Std, "(GTCY_Active), %ld, ", ((struct CK)(gad->g_Data)).Act );
- if( gad->g_Tags & 2 )
- FPuts( Files->Std, GADisabled );
- break;
- if( ((struct PK)(gad->g_Data)).Depth != 1 )
- FPrintf( Files->Std, "(GTPA_Depth), %ld, ", ((struct PK)(gad->g_Data)).Depth );
- if( ((struct PK)(gad->g_Data)).Color != 1 )
- FPrintf( Files->Std, "(GTPA_Color), %ld, ", ((struct PK)(gad->g_Data)).Color );
- if( ((struct PK)(gad->g_Data)).ColOff )
- FPrintf( Files->Std, "(GTPA_ColorOffset), %ld, ", ((struct PK)(gad->g_Data)).ColOff );
- if( ((struct PK)(gad->g_Data)).IW )
- FPrintf( Files->Std, "(GTPA_IndicatorWidth), %ld, ", ((struct PK)(gad->g_Data)).IW );
- if( ((struct PK)(gad->g_Data)).IH )
- FPrintf( Files->Std, "(GTPA_IndicatorHeight), %ld, ", ((struct PK)(gad->g_Data)).IH );
- if(( ((struct PK)(gad->g_Data)).NumCol ) && ( ((struct PK)(gad->g_Data)).NumCol != 2 ))
- FPrintf( Files->Std, "(GTPA_NumColors), %ld, ", ((struct PK)(gad->g_Data)).NumCol );
- if( gad->g_Tags & 2 )
- FPuts( Files->Std, GADisabled );
- break;
- if( ((struct SK)(gad->g_Data)).Top )
- FPrintf( Files->Std, "(GTSC_Top), %ld, ", ((struct SK)(gad->g_Data)).Top );
- if( ((struct SK)(gad->g_Data)).Tot )
- FPrintf( Files->Std, "(GTSC_Total), %ld, ", ((struct SK)(gad->g_Data)).Tot );
- if( ((struct SK)(gad->g_Data)).Vis != 2 )
- FPrintf( Files->Std, "(GTSC_Visible), %ld, ", ((struct SK)(gad->g_Data)).Vis );
- if( ((struct SK)(gad->g_Data)).Arr )
- FPrintf( Files->Std, "(GTSC_Arrows), %ld, ", ((struct SK)(gad->g_Data)).Arr );
- if( ((struct SK)(gad->g_Data)).Free )
- FPuts( Files->Std, PGAFreedom );
- if( gad->g_Tags & 2 )
- FPuts( Files->Std, GADisabled );
- if( gad->g_Tags & 2 )
- FPuts( Files->Std, GARelVerify );
- if( gad->g_Tags & 8 )
- FPuts( Files->Std, GAImmediate );
- break;
- if( ((struct SlK)(gad->g_Data)).Min )
- FPrintf( Files->Std, "(GTSL_Min), %ld, ", ((struct SlK)(gad->g_Data)).Min );
- if( ((struct SlK)(gad->g_Data)).Max != 15 )
- FPrintf( Files->Std, "(GTSL_Max), %ld, ", ((struct SlK)(gad->g_Data)).Max );
- if( ((struct SlK)(gad->g_Data)).Level )
- FPrintf( Files->Std, "(GTSL_Level), %ld, ", ((struct SlK)(gad->g_Data)).Level );
- if( ((struct SlK)(gad->g_Data)).MLL != 2 )
- FPrintf( Files->Std, "(GTSL_MaxLevelLen), %ld, ", ((struct SlK)(gad->g_Data)).MLL );
- FPrintf( Files->Std, "(GTSL_LevelPlace), %s, ", GadFlags[ ((struct SlK)(gad->g_Data)).LevPlc ]);
- if( ((struct SlK)(gad->g_Data)).Just )
- FPrintf( Files->Std, "(GTSL_Justification), %ld, ", GTJ_txts[ ((struct SlK)(gad->g_Data)).Just ]);
- if( ((struct SlK)(gad->g_Data)).Free )
- FPuts( Files->Std, PGAFreedom );
- if( ((struct SlK)(gad->g_Data)).MPL )
- FPrintf( Files->Std, "(GTSL_MaxPixelLen), %ld, ", ((struct SlK)(gad->g_Data)).MPL );
- FPuts( Files->Std, "(GTSL_LevelFormat), (ULONG)" );
- FPrintf( Files->Std, "\"%s\", ", ((struct SlK)(gad->g_Data)).Format );
- if( gad->g_Tags & 2 )
- FPuts( Files->Std, GADisabled );
- if( gad->g_Tags & 2 )
- FPuts( Files->Std, GARelVerify );
- if( gad->g_Tags & 8 )
- FPuts( Files->Std, GAImmediate );
- break;
- if( ((struct StK)(gad->g_Data)).MaxC )
- FPrintf( Files->Std, "(GTST_MaxChars), %ld, ", ((struct StK)(gad->g_Data)).MaxC );
- if( ((struct StK)(gad->g_Data)).Just )
- FPrintf( Files->Std, "(STRINGA_Justification), %s, ", STRINGA_txts[ ((struct StK)(gad->g_Data)).Just ]);
- if ( *((UBYTE *)(gad->g_ExtraMem)) ) {
- FPuts( Files->Std, "(GTST_String), (ULONG)" );
- FPrintf( Files->Std, "\"%s\", ", gad->g_ExtraMem );
- }
- if( gad->g_Tags & 2 )
- FPuts( Files->Std, GADisabled );
- if( gad->g_Tags & 4 )
- FPuts( Files->Std, GAImmediate );
- if(!( gad->g_Tags & 8 ))
- FPuts( Files->Std, GATabCycle );
- if( gad->g_Tags & 0x10 )
- FPuts( Files->Std, STRINGAExitHelp );
- if( gad->g_Tags & 0x20 )
- FPuts( Files->Std, STRINGAReplaceMode );
- break;
- case TEXT_KIND:
- if( ((struct TK)(gad->g_Data)).FPen != -1 )
- FPrintf( Files->Std, "(GTTX_FrontPen), %ld, ", ((struct TK)(gad->g_Data)).FPen );
- if( ((struct TK)(gad->g_Data)).BPen != -1 )
- FPrintf( Files->Std, "(GTTX_BackPen), %ld, ", ((struct TK)(gad->g_Data)).BPen );
- if( ((struct TK)(gad->g_Data)).Just )
- FPrintf( Files->Std, "(GTTX_Justification), %s, ", GTJ_txts[ ((struct TK)(gad->g_Data)).Just ]);
- if ( *((UBYTE *)(gad->g_ExtraMem)) ) {
- FPuts( Files->Std, "(GTTX_Text), (ULONG)" );
- FPrintf( Files->Std, "\"%s\", ", gad->g_ExtraMem );
- }
- if( gad->g_Tags & 2 )
- FPuts( Files->Std, "(GTTX_CopyText), TRUE, " );
- if( gad->g_Tags & 4 )
- FPuts( Files->Std, "(GTTX_Border), TRUE, " );
- if( gad->g_Tags & 8 )
- FPuts( Files->Std, "(GTTX_Clipped), TRUE, " );
- break;
- }
- FPuts( Files->Std, "(TAG_DONE),\n\t" );
- }
- }
- Flush( Files->Std );
- Seek( Files->Std, -3, OFFSET_CURRENT );
- FPuts( Files->Std, "\n};\n" );
- }
- }
- }
- ///
- /// WriteITexts
- void WriteITexts( struct GenFiles *Files, struct IE_Data *IE )
- {
- struct WindowInfo *wnd;
- struct ITextNode *txt;
- struct TxtAttrNode *fnt;
- UWORD x, y, next;
- for( wnd = IE->win_list.mlh_Head; wnd->wi_succ; wnd = wnd->wi_succ ) {
- if( wnd->wi_NumTexts ) {
- FPrintf( Files->XDef, "extern struct IntuiText\t\t%sIText[];\n", wnd->wi_Label );
- FPrintf( Files->Std, "\nstruct IntuiText %sIText[] = {\n", wnd->wi_Label );
- next = 1;
- for( txt = wnd->wi_ITexts.mlh_Head; txt->itn_Node.ln_Succ; txt = txt->itn_Node.ln_Succ ) {
- FPrintf( Files->Std, "\t%ld, %ld, %ld, ",
- txt->itn_FrontPen, txt->itn_BackPen, txt->itn_DrawMode );
- x = txt->itn_LeftEdge - IE->ScreenData->XOffset;
- y = txt->itn_TopEdge - IE->ScreenData->YOffset;
- if( IE->SrcFlags & FONTSENSITIVE ) {
- x += ( IntuiTextLength(( struct IntuiText * )&txt->itn_FrontPen ) >> 1 );
- y += ( IE->ScreenData->Screen->RastPort.TxHeight >> 1 );
- }
- FPrintf( Files->Std, "%ld, %ld, ", x, y );
- if( fnt = txt->itn_ITextFont ) {
- (ULONG)fnt -= sizeof( struct Node );
- FPrintf( Files->Std, "&%s", fnt->txa_Label );
- } else {
- FPuts( Files->Std, Null );
- }
- FPuts( Files->Std, ", (UBYTE *)" );
- FPrintf( Files->Std, "\"%s\"", txt->itn_Text );
- if((!( IE->SrcFlags & FONTSENSITIVE )) && ( next != wnd->wi_NumTexts )) {
- FPrintf( Files->Std, ", &%sIText[%ld],\n", wnd->wi_Label, next );
- next += 1;
- } else {
- FPuts( Files->Std, ", NULL,\n" );
- }
- }
- Flush( Files->Std );
- Seek( Files->Std, -2, OFFSET_CURRENT );
- FPuts( Files->Std, "\n};\n" );
- }
- }
- }
- ///
- /// WriteImgStruct
- void WriteImgStruct( struct GenFiles *Files, struct IE_Data *IE )
- {
- struct ImageNode *img;
- for( img = IE->Img_List.mlh_Head; img->in_Node.ln_Succ; img = img->in_Node.ln_Succ ) {
- FPrintf( Files->XDef, "extern struct Image\t\t%sImg;\n", img->in_Label );
- FPrintf( Files->Std, "\nstruct Image %sImg = {\n", img->in_Label );
- VFPrintf( Files->Std, "\t%d, %d,\n\t%d, %d, %d,\n\t", &img->in_Left );
- if( img->in_Size )
- FPrintf( Files->Std, "%sImgData", img->in_Label );
- else
- FPuts( Files->Std, Null );
- FPrintf( Files->Std, ",\n\t%ld, %ld,\n\t0\n};\n",
- img->in_PlanePick, img->in_PlaneOnOff );
- }
- }
- ///
- /// WriteImageStruct
- void WriteImageStruct( struct GenFiles *Files, struct IE_Data *IE )
- {
- struct WindowInfo *wnd;
- struct WndImages *img;
- UWORD cnt;
- for( wnd = IE->win_list.mlh_Head; wnd->wi_succ; wnd = wnd->wi_succ ) {
- cnt = 0;
- for( img = wnd->wi_Images.mlh_Head; img->wim_Next; img = img->wim_Next ) {
- FPrintf( Files->XDef, "extern struct Image\t\t%s_%ldImage;\n", wnd->wi_Label, cnt );
- FPrintf( Files->Std, "\nstruct Image %s_%ldImage = {\n", wnd->wi_Label, cnt );
- cnt += 1;
- FPrintf( Files->Std, "\t%ld, %ld,\n\t%ld, %ld, %ld,\n\t",
- img->wim_Left - IE->ScreenData->XOffset,
- img->wim_Top - IE->ScreenData->YOffset,
- img->wim_Width, img->wim_Height, img->wim_Depth );
- if( img->wim_ImageNode->in_Size )
- FPrintf( Files->Std, "%sImgData", img->wim_ImageNode->in_Label );
- else
- FPuts( Files->Std, Null );
- FPrintf( Files->Std, ",\n\t%ld, %ld,\n\t",
- img->wim_PlanePick, img->wim_PlaneOnOff );
- if( cnt < wnd->wi_NumImages )
- FPrintf( Files->Std, "&%s_%ldImage", wnd->wi_Label, cnt );
- else
- FPuts( Files->Std, Null );
- FPuts( Files->Std, "\n};\n" );
- }
- }
- }
- ///
- /// WriteWindowTags
- void WriteWindowTags( struct GenFiles *Files, struct IE_Data *IE, struct WindowInfo *wnd )
- {
- UWORD w, h;
- ULONG idcmp;
- static UBYTE WAIdcmp[] = "\n\t\t{ WA_IDCMP, ";
- FPrintf( Files->Std, "\n\tstruct TagItem WTags[] = {\n"
- "\t\t{ WA_Left, %ld },\n"
- "\t\t{ WA_Top, %ld },\n",
- wnd->wi_Left, wnd->wi_Top );
- if( IE->SrcFlags & FONTSENSITIVE ) {
- w = wnd->wi_Width - ( IE->ScreenData->XOffset + IE->ScreenData->Screen->WBorRight );
- h = wnd->wi_Height - ( IE->ScreenData->YOffset + IE->ScreenData->Screen->WBorBottom );
- FPrintf( Files->Std, "\t\t{ WA_Width, ScaleX( FontX, %ld ) + IE->ScreenData->XOffset + IE->ScreenData->Screen->WBorRight },\n"
- "\t\t{ WA_Height, ScaleY( FontY, %ld ) + IE->ScreenData->YOffset + IE->ScreenData->Screen->WBorBottom },\n",
- w, h );
- } else {
- FPrintf( Files->Std, "\t\t{ WA_Width, %ld + IE->ScreenData->XOffset },\n"
- "\t\t{ WA_Height, %ld + IE->ScreenData->YOffset },\n",
- wnd->wi_Width - IE->ScreenData->XOffset,
- wnd->wi_Height - IE->ScreenData->YOffset );
- }
- VFPrintf( Files->Std, "\t\t{ WA_MinWidth, %d },\n"
- "\t\t{ WA_MaxWidth, %d },\n"
- "\t\t{ WA_MinHeight, %d },\n"
- "\t\t{ WA_MaxHeight, %d },",
- &wnd->wi_MinWidth );
- FPuts( Files->Std, "\n\t\t{ WA_PubScreen, IE->ScreenData->Screen }," );
- if( wnd->wi_Titolo[0] ) {
- FPuts( Files->Std, "\n\t\t{ WA_Title, (ULONG)" );
- FPrintf( Files->Std, "\"%s\"", wnd->wi_Titolo );
- FPuts( Files->Std, " }," );
- }
- if( wnd->wi_Flags ) {
- FPuts( Files->Std, "\n\t\t{ WA_Flags, " );
- for( w = 0; w < WFLAGS_NUM; w++ )
- if( wnd->wi_Flags & wflgs[ w ]) {
- FPuts( Files->Std, WndFlags[ w ]);
- FPutC( Files->Std, '|' );
- }
- Flush( Files->Std );
- Seek( Files->Std, -1, OFFSET_CURRENT );
- FPuts( Files->Std, " }," );
- }
- h = FALSE;
- for( w = 0; w < 13; w++ )
- if( wnd->wi_GadTypes[ w ])
- h = TRUE;
- if( h ) {
- FPuts( Files->Std, WAIdcmp );
- for( w = 0; w < 13; w++ ) {
- if( wnd->wi_GadTypes[ w ]) {
- FPuts( Files->Std, GadIDCMP[ w ]);
- FPutC( Files->Std, '|' );
- }
- }
- Flush( Files->Std );
- Seek( Files->Std, -1, OFFSET_CURRENT );
- FPutC( Files->Std, ' ' );
- }
- if( idcmp = wnd->wi_IDCMP ) {
- if(( IE->C_Prefs & KEY_HANDLER ) && ( wnd->wi_NumKeys ))
- if( h ) {
- Flush( Files->Std );
- Seek( Files->Std, -1, OFFSET_CURRENT );
- FPutC( Files->Std, '|' );
- } else {
- FPuts( Files->Std, WAIdcmp );
- }
- for( w = 0; w < IDCMPS_NUM; w++ ) {
- if( idcmp & idcmps[ w ]) {
- FPuts( Files->Std, WndIDCMP[ w ]);
- FPutC( Files->Std, '|' );
- }
- }
- Flush( Files->Std );
- Seek( Files->Std, -1, OFFSET_CURRENT );
- FPutC( Files->Std, ' ' );
- }
- if(( h ) || ( wnd->wi_IDCMP ))
- FPuts( Files->Std, "}," );
- if( wnd->wi_TitoloSchermo[0] ) {
- FPuts( Files->Std, "\n\t\t{ WA_ScreenTitle, (ULONG)" );
- FPrintf( Files->Std, "\"%s\"", wnd->wi_TitoloSchermo );
- FPuts( Files->Std, " }," );
- }
- if( wnd->wi_Tags & W_MOUSEQUEUE )
- VFPrintf( Files->Std, "\n\t\t{ WA_MouseQueue, %d },", &wnd->wi_MouseQueue );
- if( wnd->wi_Tags & W_RPTQUEUE )
- VFPrintf( Files->Std, "\n\t\t{ WA_RptQueue, %d },", &wnd->wi_RptQueue );
- if(!( wnd->wi_Tags & W_AUTOADJUST ))
- FPuts( Files->Std, "\n\t\t{ WA_AutoAdjust, FALSE }," );
- if( wnd->wi_Tags & W_ZOOM )
- FPrintf( Files->Std, "\n\t\t{ WA_Zoom, %sZoom },", wnd->wi_Label );
- if( wnd->wi_flags1 & W_USA_INNER_W )
- VFPrintf( Files->Std, "\n\t\t{ WA_InnerWidth, %d },", &wnd->wi_InnerWidth );
- if( wnd->wi_flags1 & W_USA_INNER_H )
- VFPrintf( Files->Std, "\n\t\t{ WA_InnerHeight, %d },", &wnd->wi_InnerHeight );
- if( wnd->wi_NumGads )
- FPuts( Files->Std, "\n\t\t{ WA_Gadgets, *GList }," );
- if( wnd->wi_Tags & W_TABLETMESSAGE )
- FPuts( Files->Std, "\n\t\t{ WA_TabletMessages, TRUE }," );
- if( wnd->wi_Tags & W_NOTIFYDEPTH )
- FPuts( Files->Std, "\n\t\t{ WA_NotifyDepth, TRUE }," );
- FPuts( Files->Std, "\n\t\t{ TAG_DONE, NULL }\n\t};\n" );
- }
- ///
- // *** Main Routines ***
- /// OpenFiles
- struct GenFiles *OpenFiles( __A0 struct IE_Data *IE, __A1 UBYTE *BaseName )
- {
- UBYTE buffer[1024], buffer2[1024];
- UBYTE *ptr, *ptr2, *ptr3;
- struct GenFiles *Files;
- if(!( Files = AllocMem( sizeof( struct GenFiles ), MEMF_CLEAR )))
- return( NULL );
- ptr2 = FilePart( BaseName );
- ptr = BaseName;
- ptr3 = buffer;
- while( ptr != ptr2 )
- *ptr3++ = *ptr++;
- *ptr3 = '\0';
- ptr = buffer2;
- while(( *ptr2 != '.' ) && ( *ptr2 ))
- *ptr++ = *ptr2++;
- *ptr = '\0';
- AddPart( buffer, buffer2, 1024 );
- strcpy( buffer2, buffer );
- strcat( buffer2, ".c" );
- if(!( Files->Std = Open( buffer2, MODE_NEWFILE )))
- return( NULL );
- strcpy( buffer2, buffer );
- strcat( buffer2, ".h" );
- strcpy( Files->XDefName, buffer2 );
- if(!( Files->XDef = Open( buffer2, MODE_NEWFILE )))
- goto error;
- if( IE->C_Prefs & GEN_TEMPLATE ) {
- strcpy( buffer2, buffer );
- strcat( buffer2, "_temp.c" );
- if(!( Files->Temp = Open( buffer2, MODE_NEWFILE )))
- goto error;
- }
- return( Files );
- error:
- CloseFiles( Files );
- return( NULL );
- }
- ///
- /// CloseFiles
- void CloseFiles( __A0 struct GenFiles *Files )
- {
- if( Files ) {
- if( Files->Std ) Close( Files->Std );
- if( Files->Temp ) Close( Files->Temp );
- if( Files->XDef ) Close( Files->XDef );
- FreeMem( Files, sizeof( struct GenFiles ));
- }
- }
- ///
- /// WriteHeaders
- BOOL WriteHeaders( __A0 struct GenFiles *Files, __A1 struct IE_Data *IE )
- {
- FPrintf( Files->Std, Header, LibId, IE->User->Name, IE->User->Number );
- FPrintf( Files->XDef, Header, LibId, IE->User->Name, IE->User->Number );
- if( Files->Temp ) {
- FPrintf( Files->Temp, Header, LibId, IE->User->Name, IE->User->Number );
- FPuts( Files->Temp,
- "/*\n"
- " In this file you'll find empty template routines\n"
- " referenced in the GUI source. You can fill these\n"
- " routines with your code or use them as a reference\n"
- " to create your main program.\n"
- "*/\n\n"
- "#include <stdio.h>\n"
- "#include <exec/types.h>\n\n" );
- }
- FPuts( Files->Std, "#include <exec/types.h>\n"
- "#include <exec/nodes.h>\n"
- "#include <intuition/intuition.h>\n"
- "#include <intuition/gadgetclass.h>\n"
- "#include <libraries/gadtools.h>\n"
- "#include <clib/exec_protos.h>\n"
- "#include <clib/intuition_protos.h>\n"
- "#include <clib/gadtools_protos.h>\n"
- "#include <clib/graphics_protos.h>\n"
- "#ifdef PRAGMAS\n"
- "#include <pragmas/exec_pragmas.h>\n"
- "#include <pragmas/intuition_pragmas.h>\n"
- "#include <pragmas/graphics_pragmas.h>\n"
- "#include <pragmas/gadtools_pragmas.h>\n"
- "#endif\n"
- "#include <ctype.h>\n"
- "#include <string.h>\n\n"
- "#include \"DEV_IE:Include/IEditor.h\"\n\n" );
- FPuts( Files->XDef, "#ifndef EXEC_TYPES_H\n"
- "#include <exec/types.h>\n"
- "#endif\n"
- "#ifndef EXEC_NODES_H\n"
- "#include <exec/nodes.h>\n"
- "#endif\n"
- "#include <intuition/intuition.h>\n"
- "#endif\n"
- "#include <intuition/gadgetclass.h>\n"
- "#endif\n"
- "#include <libraries/gadtools.h>\n"
- "#endif\n"
- "#ifndef CLIB_EXEC_PROTOS_H\n"
- "#include <clib/exec_protos.h>\n"
- "#endif\n"
- "#include <clib/intuition_protos.h>\n"
- "#endif\n"
- "#include <clib/gadtools_protos.h>\n"
- "#endif\n"
- "#include <clib/graphics_protos.h>\n"
- "#endif\n"
- "#ifndef CTYPE_H\n"
- "#include <ctype.h>\n"
- "#endif\n"
- "#ifndef STRING_H\n"
- "#include <string.h>\n"
- "#endif\n\n" );
- FPrintf( Files->Std, "#include \"%s\"\n\n", FilePart( Files->XDefName ));
- FPuts( Files->XDef, "#define GetString( g )\t((( struct StringInfo * )g->SpecialInfo )->Buffer )\n"
- "#define GetNumber( g )\t((( struct StringInfo * )g->SpecialInfo )->LongInt )\n\n"
- "#define WT_LEFT\t\t\t\t0\n"
- "#define WT_TOP\t\t\t\t1\n"
- "#define WT_WIDTH\t\t\t2\n"
- "#define WT_HEIGHT\t\t\t3\n\n" );
- struct WindowInfo *wnd;
- struct GadgetInfo *gad;
- int cnt;
- for( wnd = IE->win_list.mlh_Head; wnd->wi_succ; wnd = wnd->wi_succ ) {
- if( wnd->wi_NumGads - wnd->wi_NumBools ) {
- cnt = 0;
- for( gad = wnd->wi_Gadgets.mlh_Head; gad->g_Node.ln_Succ; gad = gad->g_Node.ln_Succ ) {
- FPrintf( Files->XDef, "#define GD_%s\t\t\t\t\t%ld\n", gad->g_Label, cnt );
- cnt += 1;
- }
- FPutC( Files->XDef, 10 );
- }
- }
- for( wnd = IE->win_list.mlh_Head; wnd->wi_succ; wnd = wnd->wi_succ ) {
- cnt = wnd->wi_NumGads - wnd->wi_NumBools;
- if( cnt )
- FPrintf( Files->XDef, "#define %s_CNT %ld\n", wnd->wi_Label, cnt );
- }
- FPutC( Files->XDef, 10 );
- return( TRUE );
- }
- ///
- /// WriteVars
- BOOL WriteVars( __A0 struct GenFiles *Files, __A1 struct IE_Data *IE )
- {
- FPuts( Files->XDef, "extern struct IntuitionBase\t*IntuitionBase;\n"
- "extern struct Library\t\t*GadToolsBase;\n" );
- return( TRUE );
- }
- ///
- /// WriteData
- BOOL WriteData( __A0 struct GenFiles *Files, __A1 struct IE_Data *IE )
- {
- struct WindowInfo *wnd;
- struct GadgetInfo *gad;
- // Gadget Labels
- for( wnd = IE->win_list.mlh_Head; wnd->wi_succ; wnd = wnd->wi_succ ) {
- for( gad = wnd->wi_Gadgets.mlh_Head; gad->g_Node.ln_Succ; gad = gad->g_Node.ln_Succ ) {
- switch( gad->g_Kind ) {
- WriteList( Files, &gad->g_Scelte, gad->g_Label, gad->g_NumScelte, IE );
- break;
- case MX_KIND:
- case CYCLE_KIND:
- struct GadgetScelta *gs;
- FPrintf( Files->XDef, "extern UBYTE\t\t\t*%sLabels[];\n", gad->g_Label );
- FPrintf( Files->Std, "\nUBYTE *%sLabels[] = {\n\t", gad->g_Label );
- for( gs = gad->g_Scelte.mlh_Head; gs->gs_Node.ln_Succ; gs = gs->gs_Node.ln_Succ )
- FPrintf( Files->Std, "(UBYTE *)\"%s\",\n\t", gs->gs_Testo );
- FPuts( Files->Std, "NULL\n};\n" );
- break;
- }
- }
- }
- // Gadget Types
- for( wnd = IE->win_list.mlh_Head; wnd->wi_succ; wnd = wnd->wi_succ ) {
- if( wnd->wi_NumGads - wnd->wi_NumBools ) {
- FPrintf( Files->XDef, "extern UWORD\t\t\t%sGTypes[];\n", wnd->wi_Label );
- FPrintf( Files->Std, "\nUWORD %sGTypes[] = {\n\t", wnd->wi_Label );
- for( gad = wnd->wi_Gadgets.mlh_Head; gad->g_Node.ln_Succ; gad = gad->g_Node.ln_Succ ) {
- if( gad->g_Kind < BOOLEAN ) {
- FPuts( Files->Std, GadKinds[ gad->g_Kind - 1 ]);
- FPuts( Files->Std, ",\n\t" );
- }
- }
- FPuts( Files->Std, "NULL };\n" );
- }
- }
- // Fonts
- struct TxtAttrNode *fnt;
- for( fnt = IE->FntLst.mlh_Head; fnt->txa_Next; fnt = fnt->txa_Next ) {
- FPrintf( Files->XDef, "extern struct TextAttr\t\t%s;\n", fnt->txa_Label );
- FPrintf( Files->Std, "\nstruct TextAttr %s = {\n"
- "\t(STRPTR)\"%s\", %ld, 0x%lx, 0x%lx };\n",
- fnt->txa_Label, fnt->txa_FontName, fnt->txa_Size,
- fnt->txa_Style, fnt->txa_Flags );
- }
- // NewGadget structures
- WriteNewGadgets( Files, IE );
- // Gadget Tags
- WriteGadgetTags( Files, IE );
- // IntuiTexts
- WriteITexts( Files, IE );
- // Images (used by the GUI)
- WriteImgStruct( Files, IE );
- // Images (in windows)
- WriteImageStruct( Files, IE );
- // Windows' Zoom
- for( wnd = IE->win_list.mlh_Head; wnd->wi_succ; wnd = wnd->wi_succ ) {
- if( wnd->wi_Tags & W_ZOOM ) {
- FPrintf( Files->XDef, "extern UWORD\t\t\t%sZoom[];\n", wnd->wi_Label );
- FPrintf( Files->Std, "\nUWORD %sZoom[] = { ", wnd->wi_Label );
- VFPrintf( Files->Std, "%d, %d, %d, %d };\n", &wnd->wi_ZLeft );
- }
- }
- return( TRUE );
- }
- ///
- /// WriteChipData
- BOOL WriteChipData( __A0 struct GenFiles *Files, __A1 struct IE_Data *IE )
- {
- struct ImageNode *img;
- UWORD words, num, *ptr;
- for( img = IE->Img_List.mlh_Head; img->in_Node.ln_Succ; img = img->in_Node.ln_Succ ) {
- if( img->in_Size ) {
- words = img->in_Size >> 1;
- FPrintf( Files->Std, "\n%s %sImgData[%ld] = {\n\t",
- IE->ChipString, img->in_Label, words );
- FPrintf( Files->XDef, "extern %s %sImgData[%ld];\n",
- IE->ChipString, img->in_Label, words );
- ptr = img->in_Data;
- num = 8;
- do {
- FPrintf( Files->Std, "0x%04lx", *ptr++ );
- num -= 1;
- words -= 1;
- if( words ) {
- FPutC( Files->Std, ',' );
- if(!( num )) {
- FPuts( Files->Std, "\n\t" );
- num = 8;
- }
- }
- } while( words );
- FPuts( Files->Std, "\n};\n" );
- }
- }
- return( TRUE );
- }
- ///
- /// WriteCode
- BOOL WriteCode( __A0 struct GenFiles *Files, __A1 struct IE_Data *IE )
- {
- WriteSetupScr( Files, IE );
- WriteOpenWnd( Files, IE );
- WriteRender( Files, IE );
- if( IE->C_Prefs & IDCMP_HANDLER )
- WriteIDCMPHandler( Files, IE );
- if( IE->C_Prefs & KEY_HANDLER )
- WriteKeyHandler( Files, IE );
- FPuts( Files->XDef, "\nextern void CloseWnd( struct Window **Wnd, struct Gadget **GList );\n" );
- if( IE->C_Prefs & CLICKED )
- WriteClickedPtrs( Files, IE );
- return( TRUE );
- }
- ///
- /// WriteStrings
- BOOL WriteStrings( __A0 struct GenFiles *Files, __A1 struct IE_Data *IE )
- {
- return( TRUE );
- }
- ///
- /// Config
- void Config( __A0 struct IE_Data *IE )
- {
- struct Window *Wnd = NULL;
- struct Gadget *GList = NULL, *Gadgets[ Conf_CNT ];
- UBYTE Back;
- BOOL ret;
- if( OpenConfWindow( &Wnd, &GList, &Gadgets[0], IE )) {
- (*IE->Functions->Status)( "Cannot open my window!", TRUE, 0 );
- } else {
- Back = IE->C_Prefs;
- IE->C_Prefs = ~IE->C_Prefs;
- TemplateKeyPressed( Wnd, Gadgets, IE );
- ClickKeyPressed( Wnd, Gadgets, IE );
- HandlerKeyPressed( Wnd, Gadgets, IE );
- KeyHandlerKeyPressed( Wnd, Gadgets, IE );
- ToLowerKeyPressed( Wnd, Gadgets, IE );
- IE->C_Prefs = Back;
- GT_SetGadgetAttrs( Gadgets[ GD_Chip ], Wnd, NULL,
- GTST_String, IE->ChipString, TAG_END );
- do {
- WaitPort( Wnd->UserPort );
- ret = HandleConfIDCMP( Wnd, &Gadgets[0], IE );
- } while ( ret == 0 );
- if( ret > 0 ) {
- IE->C_Prefs = Back;
- } else {
- strcpy( IE->ChipString, GetString( Gadgets[ GD_Chip ] ));
- }
- }
- CloseWnd( &Wnd, &GList );
- }
- BOOL ClickKeyPressed( struct Window *Wnd, struct Gadget *Gadgets[], struct IE_Data *IE )
- {
- /* Routine when "Clicked _Ptr "'s activation key is pressed */
- CheckedTag[1] = ( IE->C_Prefs & CLICKED ) ? FALSE : TRUE;
- GT_SetGadgetAttrsA( Gadgets[ GD_Click ], Wnd,
- NULL, (struct TagItem *)CheckedTag );
- /* ...or return TRUE not to call the gadget function */
- return ClickClicked( Wnd, Gadgets, IE );
- }
- BOOL OkKeyPressed( struct Window *Wnd, struct Gadget *Gadgets[], struct IE_Data *IE )
- {
- /* Routine when "_Ok"'s activation key is pressed */
- /* ...or return TRUE not to call the gadget function */
- return OkClicked( Wnd, Gadgets, IE );
- }
- BOOL CancKeyPressed( struct Window *Wnd, struct Gadget *Gadgets[], struct IE_Data *IE )
- {
- /* Routine when "_Cancel"'s activation key is pressed */
- /* ...or return TRUE not to call the gadget function */
- return CancClicked( Wnd, Gadgets, IE );
- }
- BOOL HandlerKeyPressed( struct Window *Wnd, struct Gadget *Gadgets[], struct IE_Data *IE )
- {
- /* Routine when "IDCMP _Handler"'s activation key is pressed */
- CheckedTag[1] = ( IE->C_Prefs & IDCMP_HANDLER ) ? FALSE : TRUE;
- GT_SetGadgetAttrsA( Gadgets[ GD_Handler ], Wnd,
- NULL, (struct TagItem *)CheckedTag );
- /* ...or return TRUE not to call the gadget function */
- return HandlerClicked( Wnd, Gadgets, IE );
- }
- BOOL KeyHandlerKeyPressed( struct Window *Wnd, struct Gadget *Gadgets[], struct IE_Data *IE )
- {
- /* Routine when "_Key Handler "'s activation key is pressed */
- CheckedTag[1] = ( IE->C_Prefs & KEY_HANDLER ) ? FALSE : TRUE;
- GT_SetGadgetAttrsA( Gadgets[ GD_KeyHandler ], Wnd,
- NULL, (struct TagItem *)CheckedTag );
- /* ...or return TRUE not to call the gadget function */
- return KeyHandlerClicked( Wnd, Gadgets, IE );
- }
- BOOL TemplateKeyPressed( struct Window *Wnd, struct Gadget *Gadgets[], struct IE_Data *IE )
- {
- /* Routine when "_Template "'s activation key is pressed */
- CheckedTag[1] = ( IE->C_Prefs & GEN_TEMPLATE ) ? FALSE : TRUE;
- GT_SetGadgetAttrsA( Gadgets[ GD_Template ], Wnd,
- NULL, (struct TagItem *)CheckedTag );
- /* ...or return TRUE not to call the gadget function */
- return TemplateClicked( Wnd, Gadgets, IE );
- }
- BOOL ToLowerKeyPressed( struct Window *Wnd, struct Gadget *Gadgets[], struct IE_Data *IE )
- {
- /* Routine when "To Lo_wer "'s activation key is pressed */
- CheckedTag[1] = ( IE->C_Prefs & TO_LOWER ) ? FALSE : TRUE;
- GT_SetGadgetAttrsA( Gadgets[ GD_ToLower ], Wnd,
- NULL, (struct TagItem *)CheckedTag );
- /* ...or return TRUE not to call the gadget function */
- return ToLowerClicked( Wnd, Gadgets, IE );
- }
- BOOL ClickClicked( struct Window *Wnd, struct Gadget *Gadgets[], struct IE_Data *IE )
- {
- /* Routine when "Clicked _Ptr " is clicked */
- IE->C_Prefs ^= CLICKED;
- return( 0 );
- }
- BOOL OkClicked( struct Window *Wnd, struct Gadget *Gadgets[], struct IE_Data *IE )
- {
- /* Routine when "_Ok" is clicked */
- return( -1 );
- }
- BOOL CancClicked( struct Window *Wnd, struct Gadget *Gadgets[], struct IE_Data *IE )
- {
- /* Routine when "_Cancel" is clicked */
- return( 1 );
- }
- BOOL HandlerClicked( struct Window *Wnd, struct Gadget *Gadgets[], struct IE_Data *IE )
- {
- /* Routine when "IDCMP _Handler" is clicked */
- if( IE->C_Prefs & IDCMP_HANDLER ) {
- IE->C_Prefs &= ~( CLICKED | INTUIMSG );
- ClickKeyPressed( Wnd, Gadgets, IE );
- }
- return( 0 );
- }
- BOOL KeyHandlerClicked( struct Window *Wnd, struct Gadget *Gadgets[], struct IE_Data *IE )
- {
- /* Routine when "_Key Handler " is clicked */
- IE->C_Prefs ^= KEY_HANDLER;
- if( IE->C_Prefs & KEY_HANDLER ) {
- IE->C_Prefs &= ~( CLICKED | INTUIMSG );
- ClickKeyPressed( Wnd, Gadgets, IE );
- }
- return( 0 );
- }
- BOOL TemplateClicked( struct Window *Wnd, struct Gadget *Gadgets[], struct IE_Data *IE )
- {
- /* Routine when "_Template " is clicked */
- IE->C_Prefs ^= GEN_TEMPLATE;
- return( 0 );
- }
- BOOL ToLowerClicked( struct Window *Wnd, struct Gadget *Gadgets[], struct IE_Data *IE )
- {
- /* Routine when "To Lo_wer " is clicked */
- IE->C_Prefs ^= TO_LOWER;
- return( 0 );
- }
- BOOL ChipClicked( struct Window *Wnd, struct Gadget *Gadgets[], struct IE_Data *IE )
- {
- /* Routine when "_UWORD chip:" is clicked */
- return( 0 );
- }
- ///